Monday, August 24, 2009


Synoptic is a workshop that deals with performing arts, visual arts, media and sound arts. Eight artists from different countries (Hungary, Germany, Lithuania and the Netherlands) are going to present an audiovisual production and a media art performance following a ten-day media arts workshop.

The aim of this event is to bring art and science closer to each other and to connect different areas of art, dance, visual art, sound art and new media art through a new intermedial working method. The program’s main point is to analyze this transformation process: how fields of arts merge to a new form. The workshop is on the other hand to bridge the gaps between different European countries to get a mutual insight into the countries’ work and culture.  

Media art which emerged from the intermingling of techniques and arts is the focus of the event. Media art has changed contemporary art and the audience’s reception habits. The program is developed to be very spectator-oriented, so that the audience can get to know the status of contemporary art, and to help to find a way to it. Therefore the event contributes to visual development.

The workshop’s topic concentrates on the relationship of works of art, artists and audiences. The climax of the workshop is an open evening, to which spectators are welcome. In this evening not only will a production be presented, but we will also illustrate the workshop’s process at the same time. We would like to integrate the audience in the process, to be able to take part in the performance, and through this act to generate a new element of transformation.

This so called audience education is a comment on the phenomenon of indifference. It is a typical problem of the relationship between the individual and arts, between spectator and works of art.

Media art as a genre and the technical medium as a transmitter carry a first hand meaning. This fact strengthens the topic. Human behavior has changed through the usage of technical equipment (telephone, television, computer, Internet) and its side effects (image obsession, estrangement, indirectness, dependence on equipment, defenselessness).

Place and time:

Phoenix Hall, Dortmund, Germany

14-22 August 2009

The participants:

Bence Samu (HU)

Ágoston Nagy (HU)

Thomas Körtvélyessy  (HU/NL/DE)

Andrius Rugevicius pb8 (LT)

Lutz Kemper (DE)

Dorothee Schumacher (DE)

Csenge Kolozsvári (DE)

Cordula Körber (DE)

Curator and project leader:

Hajnal Szolga (HU)


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